Friday, August 4, 2017

Heating Up August With Val Novere

Oh boy, I got a super treat today!  I new character from Lastmanouthere, plus his back story.  This is the perfect way to lead into the long weekend!  It is actually storming heavily here.  We had a lightning strike and power outage as I was uploading this.  Kinda fitting, considering the physique of Val here!  Guess he was a bit too much to unleash. I tell you one thing, I wish I was half as talented as coming up with costumes as Lastmanouthere is. He might have chosen the wrong career...if the world was full of people with bodies like Vals, ready to don his gear.  I hope you guys enjoy the picture and the bio!

Val is a Thelosi from a small fortress town in Mambride, the Iron Coast region of militarized nation of Thelos. Like most of the male Thelosi, he was conscripted into the army around his puberty, right after his coming of age ceremony at 13. Val trained with most of the other teenagers at his town.  He was sent south after his training was deemed complete.  This you see, is the normal Thelosi rotational scheme which kept soldiers away from places where they could identify with the locals.

Val excelled in sword fight and hand-to-hand combat.  He rapidly rose in rank. He was however, not leadership material and never attained an officer rank, which he was fine with. Around the time he was 23, he was stationed in the capital, Thelos-diaka, where he was reunited with a former childhood friend, Rontor. While the two had never been the closest of friends in their childhood, their common background made them get close to one another during the months they served in Thelos-diaka.

Both Val and Rontor were recruited  into the secret military group Bondeiot, a secret squadron carrying out the most critical black ops in the nation. Val and Rontor were declared officially dead, and sent along a small unit to spy on the Taleans and their suspicious hired forces near Thelos's northern border.

An unexpected incident left Val the only survivor of this unit, but yet he managed to carry on with his mission and infiltrated Tristan's group, where he grew fond of the Guild agent and eventually fully joined his efforts.

Val here is portrayed with the Ceremonial uniform he used at the peak of his military carrier, before being drafted into the Bondeiot, showing the motifs and colours of his Army, and the 'finvim', the arc of veil dangling from his belt meagerly covering his dick, a garment commonplace among the Thelosi higher classes.

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