Monday, June 19, 2017

How Big Is Your Dick Dimata?

Tonight Dimata shows a lot of ego and a ton of beauty thanks to Devilman!  This was an idea I had for some time and it was really amazing to see him apply his skilled pen to the concept. We decided to add Zahn along for the ride and I am very happy we did. He came out so handsomely! Despite both characters hailing from cold climates, Devilman brings a touch of warmth in each, especially in Zahns delightful smile. This was his first time Drawning Dimata and he really got the character down to a T.  I hope you guys like my little joke and enjoy Devilmans wicked work!  Sorry that the image appears so small. The constraints of bBogger give me this option, or one that stretches all the way across the screen. (Why is that even an option????)  Blow it up to gaze upon it's beauty!!! Huge Hugs to Devilman!!! He is a super sweet heart!

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