Sunday, May 14, 2017

Fantasy Hand Job At The Bath House

Good morning!  Time to rise and shine and head to the bath house located in Noctis Lucis Caelum Kingdom.   Here we find Noctis sharing a toast and a handy J with his protector Gladiolus Amicitia.  What are these two RPG hunks toasting?  Why the birthday of Adonix of course.  Our old friend adores the Final Fantasy franchise and FallenAngel and I couldn't think of a better pairing to present to him on his special day.   This was a lot of fun to research, as I still haven't played the game. (I don't own a PS4 sadly...too expensive.)  So I got to drool over the sausage fest that is the cast for the game.  Seriously, is this stuff primarily aimed at gay guys, or what?  Sadly, while trying to figure out the name of  the kingdom Noctis is from, I wound up accidentally skimming over the ending for the game. THANK YOU WIKIPEDIA. You can beg for money, but you can't put a fucking spoiler warning on any of your shit huh?  Well, guess that is $70 I will be keeping in my pocket. SIGH.

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