Thursday, April 27, 2017

Twink With Tusks

Today was the first beautiful day of the year.  The first real day of spring!  So to honour the suns return to splendor, we have another return I hope you will find a little wonderful.  Trish who is a prehistoric faun has finally returned to the kingdom, all thanks to FallenAngel.  It's been many, many years and I am happy to welcome him back in his first ever picture by Fallen.  The image warmed might heart even more than the sun this afternoon.  

For those wondering, Trish is neither a Water Deer, or a Chinese deer, but an amalgamation of Hoplitomeryx and a couple other long extinct animals.  Hoplitomeryx and it's relatives lived on an Island in South Italy.  The reddish nature of the bones and the fact that some were found to have dwarfism, made me think of twinky, permanently tanned Bel Ami men, who never really look their age.  All that combined lead to his creation years ago.  

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