Friday, February 17, 2017

Alien 'Healer'

Hello guys, I have a new character to spring on you tonight.  He was actually created by me back in March 2015.  Yep, 2 whole years ago. (I have even older I have yet to reveal, believe it, or not, including a demon and a centaur.)  Anyway...I owe a great deal of debt to the artist Leonardo, as if not for him, this guy would still not be revealed to the world.  He offered to draw the character, upon seeing the sketches back in late 2015.  There was plans in 2015 to do a short comic with him.  FallenAngel started work on it, but it never made it past the first page before it was abandoned.  Maybe we will pick it up in the future.   Back in January he sent me this wonderfully complex image.

Known only as 'The Healer' this creatures descended long ago from trilobites that grew vertebrae.  The beings have over hundreds of millions of years, learned great healing abilities.  Here we find him on a ship filled with an unlimited supply of sexy specimens.  He has collect these in the pursuit of improving on their bodies.  It was very sweet of Leonardo to not only draw him, but a bevy of interesting alien and human men as well. (Some of which look like a sub species of his own race.)

You can check out his tumblr here for tons of more hot art!
Here is my first sketch of the Healer.  I think this was the only digital image I had done.  

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