Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve Angel, By an Angel

Hey guys! The greatest night of the year (besides Halloween) is almost upon us, Christmas Eve!!!  In celebration of the season I have a few wonderful images to share.  I'm going to start the night with FallenAngel's Ghostboy Angel!  :P  A couple weeks ago Patrick Fillions family was going through the tragic loss of a loved one.  I pretty much didn't even have to ask Mr. Kinootoka to take on a project.  We both knew what we had to do.  We went straight to work designing this piece.  The soft colours, coupled with teh strong body and beautiful wings, that Fallen drew really touched Patricks heart.  Our prayers go out to him and his family this holiday.  A huge thank you to FallenAngel for creating 2 colour tones for his costume.  It's great to see GB in his classic white outfit!

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