Sunday, June 5, 2016

Owlman Of Ontario By Aneros

Hey guys. I am so happy to be back and posting again. I had a situation for the last 2 weeks that made it had to do so!  At least I was keeping my tumblr up to date.  I can't believe it's got almost 1600 followers already!  I got the gift of a creaming crypto for my birthday from Aneros, which I am super delighted to share with you all today.

With this image, I think Ameros really sets the scene perfectly for a crytozological being.   The image whisked me right into those haunted, monster filled forests, I used to dream of when I was a kid!  The kind of forests encounter you could only imagine being in, as you got lost in the pages of a good book, or TV show, like Monsters of Canada, or In Search Of.    The highly detailed owl man, not just strong and sexy, but also haunting and alluring, provides a mysterious encounter unlike any found in those books, or shows. None of the creatures in that entertainment venue were ever meant to be haunting and alluring at the same time. (Well at least no male monsters I can think of!)   From the exquisite detail of his feathers on his forehead to the alien likeness of his haunting eyes, the Owl Man by Anoers is a gay close encounter, that men would want to be as close as possible.   It would fit perfectly in a gay mysteries of the unexplained book where men would tell of being molested by the last remnants of an all but extinct race, flying around in the back woods of Ontario Canada.   Hell I can see a bunch of young fisherman in cottage country, sitting around a bar late at night, sharing tales of the beast.  (All getting very hard as the stories get hotter.)

If you ever get a chance seek out his book. It's a really fun read. I believe it was written back in the 70s. I got it a book fair when I was 7 and still have it today.  Aneros art reminded me of the wonder of the unknown, even here in boring old Ontario. :P 

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