Sunday, June 19, 2016

Orgy of Heroes By Kagami06

Hey guys.  I have something really great to end the weekend with.  A massive masterpiece by Kagami06, that I have been hiding away since before my birthday last month. hee hee. It's so good, I just had to savour it being in my collection only for a month first! (Evil laugh.)
This threesome featuring my greatest hero, with those of my two dear friends Leon De Leon and FallenAngel, was a total joy to think up and watch Kagami lay out.  Watching him induce his special Kagami magic on this gift to my buds was exhilarating. We haven't paired these three together ever.  That made it even more of a delight.
Vann taking letting his best buds heroes have their way with him, is an opportunity he won't turn down.  One of the few times he doesn't mind not being in charge.
  Poor Kagami was in a horrible accident, injuring his leg, during it's production.  He is a real trooper, cause during the many weeks of healing, he worked from home and continued to draw!  He said that drawing really helped him pass the time and heal up.  This image is so good, it has healing powers.  I won't argue that!!

Guys, I have been horribly sick for the last 12 days.  I don't seem to be getting any better either. I hope to continue to post here, but if I vanish for a bit, just keep in mind, that I will be back soon! :)

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