Monday, May 23, 2016

Have A Gay Victoria Day 2016

Happy Victoria Day all you proud Canadians!  Oh man, since I started this blog I have wanted to do a Victoria Day image with FallenAngel.  Due to it falling on my birthday, or having other projects in the works at the same time, it always fell to the side.  I can scratch one off my to-do list today though.  We decided to give you guys some Caveman love to enjoy. It's been some time since we used Dore and Tameh. (Looking at Patrick Fillions art from a couple years ago got me inspired to finally get off my duff.)   FallenAngel has once again done a fantastic job on the Caveman duo. Especially super handsome Dore..growls... ;D  Looks like the flying reptile is more interested in the light show, than the one on the ground. :P 
I hope your night is filled with as much fireworks and fornicating as these two. 

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