Saturday, November 28, 2015

Sergent Owens Christmas Surprise

 All he wanted for Christmas was to spend it with Lawsuit.  So T-Boy Sen Owen this...Smart ass kid!  Still Owne wasn't going to complain!

Hey guys! I was going to post this for 'black Friday' but I had some family issues come up and was unable to!  (I also had to assemble a ski slope, but that's another story.)  I am really happy to be able to FINALLY share this picture with you today.  This was a Christmas gift from the Class Comics team from Leon De Leon and myself. It was in celebration as well of the new book (at the time) The Adventures of Lawsuit and T-Boy.  This was a  book that I found totally engaging to read.  And re-read again and again! 

For those of you that might not know, the Lawsuit characters appeared in a short comic that I personally discovered back in 2009.  I'm not really sure how old it is.  For years people would ask me if I knew anything about the title, or characters.  People thought it was a Class Comics project long before Jacob Mott was even on board with the Patrick and Fraser!  Why were people so enticed to see this comic completed?  Well, to answer that, here are the first few pages that were produced. I think you will get a good idea as to why from them!

I honestly don't know the history behind these pages.  Maybe this was a pitch, or was placed on a pay site, or just produced for Jacobs website for his fans.  All I know is, things went quiet for a very long time.  During this time, assumptions ran wild.  Every thing from Jacob losing the rights to the characters, to something still being in the works, but delayed, to Jacob just giving up on the characters altogether, was speculated upon.   So it came a huge surprise that delighted the hearts of many fans, when in 2014 Class Comics announced that there would be a full Lawsuit and T-Boy comic being released!  Anticipation ran high.  I can remember people emailing me filled with excitement and joy.  And why not? Jacob was already known from great erotic comics such as the Naked Justice Beggining series and the phenomenal Mako Finn, along with many strip show pages.  Now his fans would get to see him do one of his own stories. You could hear the precum dripping from the fanboys! 

I personally adored the book from page one onward.  I was one of those people that waited on baited breath for it's release.  Expectations were high and I was very pleased that Jacob kept the level of humor, story and sex on par with all his other projects with Class.  First off, both main characters are just so likable.  Lawsuit is sexy fun mix of Bruce Wayne and Phoenix Wright.  (Funny we don't see him do any court duty. Whispers..I don' think he is a real lawyer. Ohhh...)  Love his fuzzy chest. He's like the personification of every hot 90s comic book character that made it to animation, that you have longed over since youth!  A smart tough crime fighter, with a smoking body and a golden heart.  His young handicapped ward is T-Boy. He's fully of youth and sass.  Always ready with a clever comment, when he's not lending his brains and brawn to the situation at hand.  They make a super sexy team.

A few things I really enjoyed about this title.  They included a lot of different races.  This is something Class is good at, but I wanted to point out that I especially liked the Asian street tough.  He was hotness! Of course you already know that Leon and I were totally in love with Sargent Owen. Dang, we were hoping he would attend the stories after party from the second we saw him!  You will have to read the book to find out if he did, or not!
The characters all talk in British accents and that adds a heck of a lot to the characters as well as the setting as well.  A little slang goes a long way in establishing the world these people live in.
Another thing I really appreciated was that the book contains a full story.  Yes there is a set up for a sequel after the main story ends, but everything in the book is self contained. It's nice to have continuing stories, but considering how long fans waited for book one, I think it was an excellent idea to do a self contained story for the first book.  It was also great that the plot revolves around the same story as introduced in the original teasers.  Jacob expanded on it and gave the fans exactly what they were hoping for.

On that note, I got a real kick out of the enemy Fantasma and his army of horny zombies.  I love that old school magician/phantom of the opera vibe I got from him.  His zombie slaves got me all nostalgic, as they reminded me of the 'Fixed Idea' thugs from the acclaimed (though short lived) Cybersix series.  The concept of using zombies as they were originally view (mindless slaves, not cannibal corpses) also fit very well with classic bad guy persona that Fantasma portrays.

If you haven't picked up the book yet, you can get it here: The Adventures of T-Boy and Lawsuit.
They are having a big black Friday sale at Class Comics till Monday, so you can get it for for either 25-35% percent off, depending on if you want the print, or digital editions!  You have to use the code Noir.

1 comment:

  1. Bloody Hell! Thank you both SO much for that amazing art of the good sergeant! It's incredibly humbling to have created a character who inspires such talented creators, especially a secondary character!
    So thank you again!

    As for the question of the comics origins, I can tell you right here!

    Back in 2008, I got friendly with one of the directors at Men At Play (I'd seen a video where the cameraman was wearing a HOT watch and I emailed them to find out what it was. Turned out it was the director himself).
    It turned he was also a big comic fan, and he'd been wanting to do a Men At Play comic strip or graphic novel, but had no deas beyond that. He asked me to come up with something that would fit the brand and as I'd already been thinking about a hero who was kind if a cross between Green Hornet and Batman, I pitched it and he loved him.
    He commissioned me to do some pages for their subscription based forums, but as I was doing the third page, there was a bit of a shake up of the company or the forums, and the project was dropped.

    That actually worked completely in my favour though, as I retained full rights to it, and I immediately started work on a proper first issuewoth no publisher attached.

    Those first 11 pages then sat unfinished for years as my career really took off and I just coukdn't get to them. Then, last year, I made the decision to come all the way from England to Bent-Con, and I just knew I had to have the book for that show.

    And don't worry; Issue 2 won't take anywhere near as long!

    Thank you so, SO much for the amazing review. I'm honoured and humbled that the book means so much to you!

    Jake xxx
