Saturday, August 29, 2015

Satyr Jerk Off Race For Yelmo

Hi guys.  Sorry for the long hiatus.  It's been almost two weeks since my last post. Been trying to keep up by doing tumblr, but as for typing, I was instructed to lay off as much as I can.  As mentioned I had done some pretty bad damage to my hands and wrists.  Had to take time off work and then take it easy for one week. I'm still not much better, but it's healing.  I think I relapsed a bit last night playing Splatoon.  Anyway I have lots of stuff to share in the coming days.  I just won't be typing all that much!
Today I have another little treasure that was sent to Yelmo for his b-day.  We decided to feature both of his satyr characters Fared and Bakkhos having a little summer morning jerk off race.  Who can milk themselves the fastest?  Fared went through some design changes recently, so we used that model.  We were very happy to hear how much Yelmo loved the piece. I hope you guys like the image too! :)

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