Saturday, July 11, 2015

Anuar and Thallid Lastmanouthere Bone Hunter Brothers Frot

The other day, I went on Safari!  I had a wonderful time.  I saw many exotic beasts. It was only when I came home though, that I encountered something more primal and beautiful than anything I encountered that day.  It was this piece of art by Lastmanouthere! Hee hee.

Sadly sunstroke, followed by a nonstop work day and very social evening last night, prevented me from posting these sooner.  My apologies to you all, especially Lastman.  Art like this should not be contained for a second! ;D 
This is Anuar and Thallid.  They are two twin brothers from the Dino Bone Hunter tribe.  Although they are twins, one (Anuar) is darer than the other and they favor very different clothing styles.  These boys are extremely close and very intimate. Their incestuous lust is bond  is held spiritually and physically. As you may noticed Thallids uncut phallus is chained to his leg. The chain is used to capture the cocks of would be lovers.  The only lover he wants ensnared is his brother.  The young mens long serpentine dicks are a perfect match.  Why long for anything else, when you already have achieved perfection and can have it twice?  They enjoy a frot more with each other.  Frot where you can not only feel your own pleasure, but the sensual touch of your own dick through your partner. Such is the bond of close twins.

Lastmanouthere has outdone himself with this portait of blushing young beauties. The costumes, following the theme of the bone hunter tribe and both dangerous and inviting.  The faces and bodies devinity on Earth.  His cocks feature some of his best drawing foreskins and biggest bulbous balls to date.  Lastman continues to top himself with each new image.  Always proud to be the first to share his works with you guys. I hope you enjoy them too!

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