Saturday, June 6, 2015

Christer And Carlos Birthday Embrace

Good morning guys. Sorry I haven't blogged, or tumbled much this week. Work has been exhausting and so has my family life. (Nothing bad, just really busy.) I've been keeping things going though. When I am free I have been working on a new Tyrell comic with FallenAngel. We are already 5 pages into it. We were going to work on it last year, but it got delayed. You might remember Tyrells father getting a preview last fathers day. Well, he's ready for his staring role. This won't be the typical Tyrell comic either. We are going to take him in a brand new direction. Much thanks to all the feedback over the years regarding his comics by you guys. It certainly helps me decide who should be featured a more often. I have some wonderful art to share this weekend. I am going to start with his very romantic piece by my dear friend Lastmanouthere. We have a long history with Christer and Carlos and it was very touching to see him chose them to star in this birthday card. He has been bursting with ideas these days. Later today I will share the amazing orgy image he did as well! Right now, please enjoy these two. They certainly deserve a post all for themselves. ;D

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