Saturday, May 23, 2015

Birthday Balancing Act By Sirio

Hey guys! I got some early birthday gifts to share with you all. I can't think of a better image to start then with this boner bringing balancing act by Sirio! Ah, man, this just sums up my lie going into my 38th year. It's one big balancing act! Always hoping I can bring the sexy and not make a mess online! Hee hee. Maybe Sirio is trying to say that I'm at the point where I am stuck in balance between being old and still being kind of ....well, not really young, but certainly not old! XD Anyway I love it and wish I could tap an ass as sexy as Will Northerns here.  (That's not happening tonight with family over!)  He might be a joker, but he always sends out a serious message about his sexual intentions. I hope you guys love this one! I know I do!

1 comment:

  1. 38? You're only 32 years old, DP.

    End of story. Happy B-day!

    (Don't try to argue with me!)
