Monday, April 20, 2015

Camili Calvin & Hobbes Tribute

Hey guys!  With spring finally creeping in, I thought it was the right time to post this little image.  This was done back in January.  At that time Patrick Fillion needed some cheering up.  I wanted to come up with something that would hopefully make him smile.  I decided that since Aneros and I both loved Calvin and Hobbes so much, we should do a bit of a tribute piece with Cam as Hobbes and NJ and Calvin.  We went over many different poses from the covers and finally settled on the image below.  Besides agreeing on the pose, Aneros was free to do his own thing with the piece.  My initial thought was that he was planning to really do something naughty with the concept. Instead, he went for a totally innocent recreation, playing up the balancing aspect even more so then the image that inspired it. It was very refreshing to see Aneros take on a more comical image for a change. It turned out to be very warm and delightful. I hope you guys like it too.

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