Saturday, March 7, 2015

Homeless Hero Romer

Hi Guys.  The whole Google shake up from last week made me realize that this home isn't and never will be secure. They have changed their minds, but for how long?  What new rules will they now be enforcing?  I just don't feel as comfortable posting here as I once did.  Honestly I never really felt that safe posting here.  You read the tales of Google closing down adult sites, left, right and center.  Heck, there are blogs dedicated to the prevention and awareness of Googles constant take downs.   There was a point, (a very brief point) when Google took this blog down a few years ago. I found out almost as soon as it had happened, contacted Google and had it restored. For a time after that I thought about leaving, but decided to let it go.  Now I just can't.  I'll just be forever waiting for the hammer to fall again.  So, by the end of the month, I am going to create a new and (hopefully) better site. This site will remain and I will continue to post things here as well, for a time anyway.  Everything from this site will be extracted to the new site, so we won't lose anything if the future of Blogger isn't as sunny as they are promising us.

I have to give a big thanks to Caravaggia who created this wonderfully sweet image of Romer.  Even when he is totally depressed, he still looks so cute, in her hands.  Also a big thank you to everyone who commented and messaged me with ideas and tips on what to do next.  I think the future will be very exciting.
I'm going to post some more stuff later today. I got  sneak peek at Ride Hard #3 and I can't wait to tell you guys what I thought of it! :D

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