Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Hope On Hoth

Hey guys.  Tonights piece entitled a A Hope On Hoth was conceived by myself and created by FallenAngel.  We wanted to do something nice for Patrick and Fraser of Class Comics as they were not having the best of holidays this year. I went with Locus for the central character in our piece, as Fallen always draws him so well. Also because, while there have been whole comics devoted to Camili-Cat looking for Locus, I figure at this point in the story, Locus must be doing some wish filled dreaming of his own. 

Hope is a theme we need at the start of each year, some of us more then others.  Right now, I myself could use a little.  The reason I haven't posted in awhile is because my my black lab of almost 12 years passed away this weekend.  His departure from this world has left a hole in my heart and an emptiness in my life and those of my family and friends as well.  Buddy was a sweet, lovable dog, with a huge friendly heart.  He filled my life with so much joy and wonderful companionship.  He was a monkey at times, taking off to chase the girls, but he always came back when I called.  My golden would keep him in check.  He always wanted to play and always had kisses to spare to anyone feeling down.  We shared countless meals together.  He loved McDonald's ice cream and Tim Bits best.  He was well known at the local Tim Hortons, where the ladies would spoil him with extra treats.  No matter how bad my day went, coming home and being welcomed by his happy bark, made all the misery melt away.  I just hope that I made his time on this Earth as happy as he made me every day. 

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