Sunday, February 8, 2015

Amron Happily Surfs Into Year 30

 Hey guys!  While we all freeze over in North America, Leon De Leon is enjoying warm weather as he passes into year 30 down there in beautiful Australia.  It's 25 C over there right now. (ENVY.)  It's the perfect weather to spend a birthday on the beach, taking in all the sexy sights.  Mmmmm Surfers...Very few Surfers even in AU can compete with the sexiness of Amron, especially when draw by FallenAngel.  This is our gift to our sweet friend.  Our reminder that, just cause you hit the big three O, doesn't mean the wants and good times of youth suddenly vanish! 
I like how FallenAngel managed to place Sabell onto the surf board.  A slight reminder that we probably should have featured his lady love as well... (My bad!)  There's always next time!

Happy birthday Leon.  Keep dat Urban Musiq a playing load! 

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