Saturday, August 9, 2014

Muscular Man Of Peace Meztliyaotl‏

Hello guys, as promised here is todays Lastmanouthere post.  We welcome a new character into the kingdom today. His name is Meztliyaotl‏.  Set to eventually interact with Ixy and Nehme, not as a warrior, but as an ambassador of the Aztecs. With that giant snake hanging between his legs, I am sure he can charm anyone!  That's not to say he uses his sexual powers and physical strength to get his way.  In spite of his looks, he is not so much a warrior. He is a learned young man, being both a scholar and a linguist.  He's hoping to bridge peace between three cultures.  (All at the same time, doing his best to guide the naive young Aztec prince.)  I can't give much more away regarding his story then that at the moment!  Meztliyaotl‏ is probably quite the opposite of the stereotypical Aztec people have in their minds. 
Lastmanouthere has once again created a gorgeous vision of a man and adorned him with a costume that perfectly complements his natural beauty.  I really like the way he posed him and the expression on his face.  I think it gives it a very period look, like something from an old painting you would see in a museum, or very old history book.  Bravo Lastman for capturing that. :D  I cannot wait to start having some fun with him myself! Hee hee!

Later tonight, I will be posting some art that FallenAngel drew for Yelmos birthday, which was yesterday.  So go say happy birthday to him, if you haven't already! ;D  I'm going to be posting after I watch Guardians of the Galaxy.  Aneros assures me, it's one of the best movies of the summer.  We shall see!  Right now though, I got a lasagna in the oven that needs my attention.  Later guys.   

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