Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Yankee To Yer Left Captain

Fallen and I gots a big heart felt happy birthday for our dear friend Sirio today!  Who better to bring her cake, then her favorite Avenger, Captain America?!  He's got a little trouble balancing the birthday cake, thanks to Yankee Doodle Pigeon.   The little bird is just excited to be bringing Sirio her birthday cards.  What happened to that cake you ask? Did the Captain catch it in time?  Well, Sirio came up with the answer! ^O^ Hee hee.  You know an image is good when it inspires more mischievous art! :D

You go first sirio! He's all yours!  Many happy returns of the day my friend. :)

On Friday I got to meet Captain America.  He didn't give me cake, but he did give me some frozen yogurt. :P  I felt bad for the guy in the costume.  He was standing outside of the CN Tower, in the pouring raining. He was a trooper though. Smiling and calling to the kids to join him in some cool treats.  (Just like the real Cap would.)   I went to the movie last night.  The theater was PACKED.  I really liked it, but I have to say I enjoyed the first film more.  I'm a sucker for WW2 adventure/sci-fi  films.

Who is Yankee Doodle Pigieon you ask?  Well just check this out for your answer:

1 comment:

  1. And thanks again Guys !!! (*O*)/ ♥♥♥♥ * much love * ♥♥♥♥♥

