Saturday, March 1, 2014

Suiji Kǒudài In Fighters Fortune

 We're going to start off March with a continuation of our "Year of the Horse Celebration."  I got the second comic featuring Suiji Kǒudài drawn up by FallenAngel to share today.  I hope you enjoy our bizarre little manga!  We certainly had a blast writing and drawing it for you guys to enjoy.

And so all's well that ends well.  The Dojo is safe and Suiji is off to new adventures.  I have a few more ideas for Mr Suiji, plus some sketches and things to share, so this won't be the last of him, for sure.  Poor Fallen.  We started this back in January, but Fallen fell ill and it was put on hold till recently.   He's all better now and drawing like a mad man!  (And we wouldn't want it any other way!)  LOL.  

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