Saturday, March 15, 2014

Appreciative Adonix Orgy

In response to the amazing pieces of art given to him on his birthday in 2012, Adonix drew up a thank you greeting card.  The artists and I were very surprised and impressed with the orgy presented to us on the screen.  A capture of the feeling Adonix was feeling towards all the hot art.  I long kept this one private, but with his birthday coming again tomorrow, I felt it would be nice to finally present it to you blog followers.

Adonix has a brand new Tumblr site.  There is some old pieces and ton of new ones as well!  You can check it out here:

So what do I have in store for my dear friend?  Well, there just might be something to share here tomorrow! ;D  But for now, I will show you what I did get him.  As we all know, he is a HUGE Final Fantasy fan.  I had found a Chocobo mug on a gaming website a few weeks before his birthday.  The mug just had a simple image of the birds head, with some footprints on the opposite side.  Listings online had it going for way more then it was worth.  I was still determined to get it, until I found the one pictured below.

With a whole slew of Chocobos from various games and CLOUD too, how could I resist?  Heck, it was all I could do, to NOT get one for myself too!  It made the official mug look sad in comparison. I got double lucky that day, as the store also had a mug made featuring Adonix very favorite character of all: Squall Lionheat!  He got the mugs yesterday just in time for his birthday! (whew!)   His thanks were very heartfelt.  I was very happy he liked them so much.  He even took a picture of both them together:

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