Sunday, February 2, 2014

Enter Suiji Kǒudài: Year Of The Horse Centaur

Pengs morning alone suddenly got strange when he pulled the sting on a mysterious prize ball. The thing was just floating there, with a tag that said "Happy New Year." Suddenly in a puff of smoke, a gold and red Centaur appeared. Peng very cautiously considers taking the strange creature up on it's offer of hot dumplings and red pockets. "What harm could be in sharing a meal?" Peng thinks to himself. Hey may just find that out very soon!

Suji came into being on the 12th of January.  From the moment I finished drawing him, I had a number of situations in mind for him.  I have been lucky to get some great input from friends and some wonderful sketches to help quickly propel his creation forward.  I asked Caravaggia right away, about doing a him paired with Peng.  We wanted to a very nice introduction piece for the character, so she posed him, bowing to the audience.  Very cute, I think!   I wanted to include a sunrise, to emphasize the start of a new year, a new beginning, new hope.  Last year I didn't do all that much online and I want to change that this year.  In doing Peng she wanted to try something a little different with his wings, which I think turned out to be very elegantly. See through is pretty sweet.  As you can see we were still deciding the characters color scheme.  I am partial to the red skin myself.  Soon I will have a short comic featuring him, explaining his story, along with some more creative sketches to share with you guys. 

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