Saturday, September 14, 2013

Orgy of Pi

I was heavy into Life of Pi when I came up with this little spoof. How the weeks have flown by.  It feels like only yesterday that Leon started working on this birthday gift.  I wanted to do something that would include  one of each of our boys. I thought having Amron playing Pi, Camil-Cat as Richard Parker and poor Lil Deep as the shark that get's teased, but doesn't get any, would be a fun idea to close out summer with. Leon did too.  He worked really hard and very quickly on this.  I was very happy that Patrick Fillion received it so well on his birthday, cause this is the second movie spoof I have sent him in a very short time! XD It was great to see Leon draw Deep again.  I think the last time was back in 2009!  I wanted him to go with 'Classic Cam' this time, just cause it has been awhile since he's drawn him as well.  There were no revisions, or anything with this.  I had some ideas for what Cam could be saying, but later decided to leave him silent.  I really like the way all the men came out.  Amrons body is perfectly sculpted, like an action figure.  I might just have to do a sequel to this image one day.

I've been out of it for the longest time, but I hope to get back into the grove a bit.  As you guys can see I have been posting a lot more then usually.  FallenAngel is working on a new comic with me, Baralust is doing a sketch and Caravaggia and I will soon be working on a new Centaur piece.  I have fallen very behind with my online activities.  All this week I have been catching up on peoples online galleries.  I was actually as far back as October in some cases.  I only now discovered a really wonderful article on Patrick about the birthday images he drew for me.  There is a link below.  Next post I hope to be showing the final birthday image. :) 

Click here to check out the Art of Patrick Fillion site, which includes an article about drawing my characters! :D

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