Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pi Patel Sails Past Prehistoric Paradise By FallenAngel

This week I finally got to watch all over Life of Pi, a movie I had been dying to see since I first saw a preview last year. I was unable to see it in the theater and I really regret that.  It was a perfect movie to watch during the summer time. I found it to be a totally enchanting adventure.  It may not be for everyone, but I really enjoyed it a lot.  It's one of those movies you walk away from feeling like you partook in the adventure yourself.
There's no Pi and Richard Parker Bath toys, or anything fun to purchase merchandise wise in relation to the movie, so I decided to instead request some fan art.  FallenAngel stepped up to bat.  He hadn't seen the movie, but he was ready to try to capture some of the magic, he had heard about from friends and family in his style.  I basically instructed to do the poster of the movie, but with Pi and Richard in opposite positions.  I suggested doing a giant fish, or whale in the background.  All I really wanted was to see how Fallen would anime Pi up.  I wasn't expecting Lil Deep to Cameo so perfectly and elegantly into the image! XD Deep has never been draw so gracefully!  pffffffffft....Looks like when hit by the waters of Prehistoric Paradise, Pi not only regains his strength, he muscles up quite a bit too! 


  1. I haven't seen it yet, either, mainly because I want to read the book first (and haven't gotten around to that yet).

    Looks like Lil Deep makes a good welcoming committee. Nicely done, FallenAngel!

    1. Thanks Aaron, most credit goes to old DP here :D
