Thursday, February 28, 2013

Final Fantasy's Wakka Naked By Adonix

Another day, another piece I have been holding back for some time.  This mouth watering image of Final Fantasy's Wakka was drawn by Adonix back in September.  I kept thinking I had posted this, after all, how could I hold such majesty back from the publics eyes right?   I don't know either.  It must be that giant uncut dick.  It turns my brains into mush every time I gaze at the spell binding thing!  LOL.  I have a few more images from Adonix that I will be posting in the coming days as well.  I really love how Adonix used a sort of  comic book 'dot' style to color this.  (It's pretty hard to see it at this resolution, but trust me it's there.)  Very stylish.  The man is always looking for new ways to spice up his art.  I also like how he showed distance from the camera by blurring Wakkas arm slightly.  I wonder if he is excited for Final Fantasy re-release as I am?  I never did finish the game on my PS2.  I am looking forward to giving it another shot.  Too bad there won't be bonuses like this in the game. 

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