Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Baby Face New Year Hunk

A couple days after Christmas, I found myself at work, with little to do. I busied myself doing odd jobs and calling the hospital to check up on a relative that had been there since Boxing day. As I wrote notes and took down numbers. I started to draw. That was something I had not had time to do at work for a great long while. I drew a lot. With my own fate up the air for over a week and now a sick relative to deal with, I guess I was looking for some sort of comfort. Despite who may have been around me, I drew half naked guys without care. One of the boys I drew caught my attention and I kept drawing him over and over. when I got home I drew him again and again...and again. I created a little back story for him and sent him off to some friends to see what they thought.

To say that Daniel here was born during a period of great uncertainty in my life would be an understatement. When I saw Adonix's lovely picture of him yesterday I felt a bit at ease. Daniel stared back at me, with his sweet young eyes and a lot of the worries I had been facing melting away. I guess I saw the character as a beacon of hope for a much brighter future in 2013. It's hard going through phases where the world feels like it is crumbling down around you.  But it's nice to know that I am not alone.  No matter what happens, we will push forward and continue what we do best. Adonix little gift was the perfect end of 2012. A baby face to represent new birth in the coming year.  I hope you guys like Daniel. He is a young man, who has a crush on a familiar character. We WILL have to explore him more in the future. Happy New Year.


  1. Daniel is sexy l love his eyes they are adorable =) Happy New Year to you Prince

    1. Thanks Tay. Hopefully we will be seeing more of him soon. Maybe in a short comic by Fallen and myself. :)
