Monday, December 24, 2012

Strider The Centaur Carols On Christmas Eve With His Cock Out

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! I hope you all have the day off and can spend it with family, friends and loved ones. I have to FREAKING WORK today. But before I go, I just have to share this gorgeous piece, the combined effort of Leon De Leon aka Urbanmusiq, Caravaggia and me. ;P I have been dieing to have Leon draw Class Comics Mighty Strider character for 2 years now. This Christmas I got my wish and I could not be happier. I wanted to surprise Leon and the good folks over at Class Comics, so I asked Caravaggia to whip up super Christmasy background. We talked about some concept and heck, she went all out. This revivals any Christmas album cover. (John Denver eat your heart out.) And now here is the Gay king of the Centaurs, caroling with his uncut cock out, for your viewing pleasure.

What is a really funny coincidence is that Class Comics artist Jacob Mott produced a Christmas Carol Comic written by Patrick Fillion this year for the monthly Strip Show! If features many of your favorite characters wishes everyone a merry Christmas through song. You can check out the full comic page for free through the link below the hot image of Diablo and Ghost Boy below.

Speaking of Strider, remember the poll I had up regarding Space Cadet Part 2? Wellm sometime in November Google was really messing up. The poll went haywire and never recovered. It happened all over the blogger. I was really pissed off, because the poll got a ton of votes. People continued to vote even after it recovered for a bit, but it kept resetting, so I took it down. It was nice to see that lots of you want to see what happens next to Space Cadet. I was also happy to see that each artist was getting a lot of love from their fans. I just wish Google could get their shit together. I am hesitant to put up another poll at this point.

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