Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mako Finn in 3D!!!

Got a couple super cool things for you guys today. First off is a beautiful and tranquil image of the Class Comics hero Mako Finn in computer generated CG. This is the first project I collaborated on with my old friend and wonderfully talented artist Ulysses in some time. It was as always, an amazing experience. Uly brought to life a vision of youth and beauty through his computer renderings. Mako Finns body looks so youthful and smooth. I told Uly that he looks like so many of the sexy Italian guys I went to high school with! LOL. Did I mention I love those hairy legs? XD We wound up putting a number one on his pants in celebration of his first comic book issue! (Which is fantastic and I MUST do a review of it some day.)

This picture gives us a great view of what Mako Finn would look like in real life!

Speaking of Mako Finn in real life, just days before the release of the book I found a very interesting clip. These screen shots are from said clip. Um..Mako Finn, is that you? XD

Okay this guy is no where near as hot as Mako Finn is, but that hair is a little too similar. I wonder if the model was influenced by the comic book character? Hmmm.... The models name is Nick Daniels and he supposedly is from America. (Though I doubt that based on his voice alone.) This video filled in April of this year is the only one to feature him with this hair style.

Check out the REAL Mako Finn in

Print form
At Class Comics today! :D

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