Friday, September 21, 2012

Camili-Cat and Aza End Summer In Space

The sun is quickly setting on the final day of summer. In exuberant celebration of summer 2012 here is a fitting tribute coming to your from three different minds, all inspired by the wonderful characters from Class Comics. Leon De Leon, Caravaggia and myself proudly present Aza the Tolarian and Camili-Cat the felinoid relaxing in the spacely splendor of Cubaton 4.

I came up with this concept back when the Locus summer fun image came out in July. It got put off for a bit, but was done around the end of August. I've been holding on to it especially for today. Locus started summer and Cam's gonna end it with a bang. This gorgeous image was hard to keep back. Everyone gave it 120%. The men are perfectly sculpted. Urbanmusiqs Aza is just the cutest class character he has ever done. Aza just keeps climbing higher and higher in my favorites list and this image is slowly pushing him over the top! :P His circumcised Cam, which he has drawn several times before, including a short comic piece in the Strip Show Collection, shines even more here then ever before. I could not have asked for a more splendid backdrop for them. Caravaggia went all out and then some, filling the scene with frolicking Aliens, floating palm trees and Robot Monkeys! All having such a gay time in the splendor of deep space. Her little Aliens in the water must make a comeback some day.

I hope you guys like it! I will miss you summer 2012.


  1. This image is so AMAZING, Matthew! Much thanks to you, and to Leon and Caravaggia for the beautiful work! Cam, Aza and those fabulous beach-loving, tree-climbing aliens are AWESOME in this pic!!!

    Much thanks and love to you all for creating this! :D

    Hugz + kisses,
    Patrick XOXOX

    1. I was overjoyed to present this to you man. I'm really happy you loved the results as much as I did! ^O^
