Friday, August 17, 2012

Cleo's Fishing For Studs

There's not a lot of water in the desert areas of Egypt Land, but that hasn't hurt Cleos fishing fetish. He's just changed the prey to something he would much rather hook. This is the latest utterly delightful image drawn by FallenAngel based on a concept I had. He's jam packed it with cameos and silly, sexy, fun! Can you spot all the cameos?

It has been some time since Fallen drew our Egypt Land cast members, so I really wanted to send this idea his way. We sure seem to have a lot of fun doing it, upping the amount of characters from my sketch. He certainly worked hard on the poses and the characters. I think it turned out to be a very whimsical image. I hope you guys enjoy it.
My original concept sketch. I didn't draw Cleo on the pillar, or up higher. Originally I thought of requesting him on a bridge above Pyis and Fatep. I also thought of having an angry fisherman ready to hit him for stealing his rod. We decided to go with the pillar instead. One day I sat a drew a few images of Cleo lusting after Pyis. Maybe I will pursue having the rest of them done as well.

1 comment:

  1. You know on your original sketch layout Cleo is ...too damn horny perv with his look like that XD we should called the royal Embalmer again LOL*
