Monday, June 4, 2012

Belvadars Ghostly Halloween Comic

FallenAngel and I started work on this around Halloween last year. Unfortunately we started it pretty much as Halloween was upon us, so we knew we would never have it done in time for the holiday. We worked on it off and on since then. I finally decided to finish some of the edits and spring it on you guys today.

"Everyday can't Be Halloween Lydia."

"It is for me Mother."

If people can have Christmas in July, we can have a little Halloween in June. ;P In a couple weeks our stores will be flooded with Halloween candy anyway. Might as well get a jump on it now. I hope you guys enjoy our little story and all the hard work and dedication FallenAngel put into this. I actually got a chance to do some of the art, coloring and text for this, so it was pretty fun for me too. Enjoy!

And that is the story of how Belvadar met Jasper and made his guitar. Countless thanks to FallenAngel who put so much extra humor into this. He crammed in so many cameos as he could. Can you find them all? XD Maybe that should have been a contest! I want to thank Leon De Leon and Maduinshorn for their support and proof reading as well!
Thanks so much for reading our comic! Now take out all your Halloween decorations! XD


  1. Replies
    1. This was such a fun project. It was sad to see it come to an end.

  2. So cute! I hope people -


    Ahem, anywho, I really liked this! It was cute, and I like that it was erotic but didn't have any sex in it. It was just a cute cute cute. Reminded me of those old Warner Bros. or Disney ghost tales or stories of unrequited love.

    Good stuff you two! Be proud!

    1. LOL I hope they do too! Ah, but such is blog life. XD Thank you so very much for your kind words and encouragement Jubell. Comparing it to old cartoons is one of the nicest complements one can get. :D

    2. I'm happy you enjoy our wild combo on this story ^^

  3. Great job guys! I really enjoyed this :)

  4. Funny and sexy. Nicely done, you two!

  5. awesome spell-bonded :)
