Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Whoa-ho BIG Naked Apis Bull by Leon De Leon And Caravaggia

It's May and the weather is finally starting to brighten up, where I live. The sun makes us all want to get out of our holes and strut. No one struts quite like Apis Bull. He does it au naturel! Get ready for todays feast for the eyes. Leon De Leon (aka Urbanmusiq) is bringing da beef and sweet Carvaggia tenderizing this Egyptian beefcake to give it just the right complexion. ;P Hope you guys brought an appetite, cause these portions are BIG.

LOL I always mention Apis huge member when I describe him, but I was happily shocked to see just how big Leons version of him was. I think aside for his image of Bob for Stripshow, this has to be his biggest cock to date! His legs are equally as epic. I will no doubt have to order up some seconds on this, cause Urbans Apis makes my mouth water. OKAY enough beef jokes..XD This is also the fourth correlation of Urbans art and Caravaggias colors this year. They are superb together. Caravaggia always comes up with the cleverest backgrounds. The papyrus sheet was pretty ingenious.
Thanks so very much guys!