Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Stuff around the Web. Cyber Punks From Ancient Egypt and Carnaval Boys from Australia

I had to share some stuff I found around the net on friends sites today. First off, this is something that is just incredible. Caravaggia has taken the Egyptian Goddess Maat and not only has she transformed him into a hunky blonde male, but she's also given him this cyberpunk look that is just too outrageous for words. This is just so imaginative and so sexy at the same time. I was blown away. You have to check out not only her making of post, but the post regarding her first cyberpunk below!

I love the fact the feather of truth is being used to help power him. The heart being exposed is a very nice touch as well. I really hope this is not the last we see of him. He would make for a great paring with Space Cadet and Naked Justice.


Check out here first guy. He's got this wild hair style, but I won't ruin the surprise.


The second image I wanted to share is from Urbanmusiq. A little while ago he drew this cute Carnaval hunk from Brazil, who brings to mind a character that could easily be found in the court of Ixy. I don't know if there was any Ixy influence in his creative process, but I am sure two would go perfectly together. That would be one hot party eh? :D

I love this guys bright happy facial expression. Such a sweetie. Leon, that outfit does not leave much to the imagination. I swear you can see the circumcision scar. XD This character was found in the April 2012 issue of DNA magazine. I believe the print will soon be for sale.

The image can also be found on his DA account here:

You can check out Leons Facebook page here:

I had to show off this comic page from Evosexual. It the first page of his Stripshow comic that is available from the Class Comics Newsletter. I thought he did a masterful job on Ghostboy here. Those are some hot buns on GB. It was really great as well, to see the return of The Prick, who hasn't appeared in a comic in 10 years! (I think.) He's got a slightly more human design here (with a smaller head.) He's looking super sexy. Can't wait to see what happens next!

If you like, you can leave him a comment about it on his blog:

You can sign up for the Class Comics Newsletter to check out the next Chapter here:

Class Comics Newsletter.

More posts coming soon! :)


  1. Ohh Caravaggia and Urbs hot guys are yummeehh :9

  2. Great job from Eroticute Loving the GB Stripshow episode and im glad you liked my "Carnaval de Brazil" piece, buddy!


