Sunday, April 29, 2012

Too Much Medusa!!!

Between Kid Icarus Uprising, Both Clash of the Titans films being replayed multiple times on TV and the release of Wrath of Titans, March and April were two months of Mythology overload for me. It's a good thing, but it's starting to dominate my imagination these days. Medusa, Pit and Perseus are having a hard time staying in their old worlds these days....

I got this really suburbly drawn image from FallenAngel last night. I really can't say enough about how much I like his Pit. He's so darn sweet! It's nice to see him fully clothed! XD Fallen spent a lot of time on this one. He was having too much fun with those snakes. They remind me of the snakes on the Medusa in Sexy Parodius. She's a very nice anime homage to Harryhausen. Just before he colored it, he threw on Bubo, in bobble head form, no less! :P What a joker he is! Hmmm I think it's time for a Pit and Perseus pairing, don't you guys think?
Thanks so much Fallen! :D


  1. Dont remind me.....those hair snakes are....*thud*

    1. Oh no! I'll get you some water. We will have to do less of her. >__<

    2. I think even scuptures and ol Harry Hausen got alot of hard time making those snake movement in the original

  2. I agree 100%, we need Pit x Perseus. At least two, one with Pit topping and one with Perseus topping :3~
