Thursday, April 19, 2012

Grab Your Salad Tongs! It's the Sexy Eggplant Wizard By FallenAngel!

If your eyes turn into eggplants don't blame us. I don't trust this new hunk that FallenAngel drew. It's the Eggplant Wizard like you have NEVER seen him before. Medusa loves it, but Pit is getting the hell out of there fast! He's not falling for this dangerous studs new look. He knows he's still a rotten vegetable underneath that sleek physique!

That's the last time I challenge Fallen...What this man has created is so cute, it's scary. I don't like to admit that the Eggplant Wizard is hot! (The creature is so vile in my mind! XD) hee hee. Seriously though, he did a bang up job. I tried to come up with something as a basis for the image. (Below.) I think I will issue him another challenge. There's a few characters out of the regular monsters from Kid Icaurs Uprising that could use the FallenAngel touch. ;D

Pandora and Tempura seem to eat him up!

One more time the Eggplant Wizard! This time with a cock head color variation. Don't turn into a vegetable now, speak up and tell us what you think of him! :D


  1. Nyok nyok nyok! -FallenAngel XD

  2. Eggplant man ? O_o Oh my... oh my... oh my !!! You guys are nuts uh no nut, no uh... crazy ! But daaaamn' I love his color, and his design is so cute !

    If you wanna make a broccoli guy, just call me, they're my favorite veggie ! XD

    1. LOL no, no! No broccoli!!! LOL! This guy is based on a character from the video game Kid Icarus. We so do NOT have a thing for eggplants. If anything, I fear them, just a little bit to this day due to this game! LOL!
