Friday, February 24, 2012

Pool Tool: Our First Hentai Manga!

We have explored some themes beyond gay comics here on Dinosaurprince's Kingdom. Tonight, I present something my first dive into Hentai manga. I was lucky to be guided by a master in the subject, FallenAngel. FallenAngel has made a career out of doing gay, bi and straight Manga since the 1990s. So I knew I was good, if not very grabby hands! :P I hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it.

Dinosaurprince's Kingdom Presents:
Pool Tool
Story By Dinosaurprince
Art and Story by FallenAngel

Time Passes!
"This is amazing, I can feel her heart beat. Her breasts are so warm..."
"Gosh, I can feel his cock throbbing like crazy."
Two friends go into the Pool house looking for bag of coal and the chick winds up with her friends coal balls in her hands..Never thought of the irony of that till just now. huh...Anyway this story was influenced by many things. I love certain titty fuck videos when the focus is totally on the man. And the man is hot! XD You be such a voyeur with straight porn! :P It was also influenced by the many stories you see online where woman go after BBC (Big black cock.) John Persons stories done by an artist named The Pit are visually stunning, but the writing is revolting. The stories demoralize both black men and the white woman that 'dare' to love them. (OH BROTHER.) I read some of the stories wondering what century they were made in.

I had a desire since 2010 to do a story without the themes of racial demoralization. When I saw MiOworks new character Edwin something snapped in my mind and I decided it was time to make this thing a reality. This actually started as a very small project. I drew up the character Tyrell and the original 4 page skript very quickly. Even planning out what I had for 4 pages was stretching it. When you are doing a story with FallenAngel you can't help but expand on it. We would bounce ideas off each other and soon new pages were being sketched and worked on and scenes were expanded on. It was fun working on Tyrell. I made him look very flamboyant in my first sketch, with a very high raised bottom and his arms stretched out. I place a gold Pac-Man chain necklace on the page, but it didn't make it to the final version.

FallenAngels original sketch of Tyrell and Sara. Fallen created Sara from scratch. I think maybe I mentioned star shaped earrings and long flowing hair when speaking of her. :P Thumbs up if you can figure out the dinosaur connection with the name Tyrell.

Sara was all FallenAngel, outside of a few general concepts like having to have really big boobs. It was as much fun watching him work on a somewhat straight porn. It was invigorating to see him take on the characters and add so much too it. Each page has so many little touches and bit of comedy. He had the funny idea of making the porn magazine a little retro with 70s hair and a gentleman that looks a bit too old to be doing porn. ;P (But he is still super hot.) The man never rushes his work even when crossing the finish line, he accelerates his effort. He put in a ton of detail on the last page and I knew he was having some real fun thing...cough cough! XD Look for a cameo on the final page. Watching him work made me work harder. I edited, added little touches and worked harder on improving the dialog. Even though it only took a couple weeks it felt much longer, cause of all the fun memories we created.


  1. Great stuff you two. There was some fascinating stuff happening there - and I know what you mean about John Person/Parson (however you spell it) and his "work". I think it's also insulting to the "gayboys" he sometimes brings in...just...the writing is completely ridiculous and re-enforces negative stereotypes in ways that don't even make sense -_-

    But I like some of what you did here, there's a bit nuance that works.

  2. Great job! =)

    If I had huge tits like that I'd love to have them covered in cum as well! lol

    1. :D ohh thats nice MiO - FallenAngel
