Saturday, January 21, 2012

Vanns Rage

Vann as drawn by Crimsonblood is something to behold, but when it's colored and then animated by Caravaggia, well, words can't describe it's awe inducing splendor.

Vann Illia the Barbarian Rage, Art by Crimsonblood, colors and animation Caravaggia, created by DinosaurPrince. 2012.
Vann our brave, gay barbarian cries out in rage.
I had to use photobucket to upload this baby. Click on it to get a much better view of the rainstorm. Resizing this was a pain, yet so simple.

Todays image is a tribute to the Conan Comics of old. Vann certainly looks like he has won a battle, but lost something great in the process. What that is, (besides a cover for his dick), is anyones guess. Caravaggias eternal torrent of rain only adds the mystery of the scene. This was drawn in December by Crimsonblood and colored and animated in a flash by Caravaggia. I was hoping to have a the cool misty effect around the character, I was not expecting a full storm as well. :) Crimsonblood did an awesome job buffing up Vann. I adore how his books make those cafe muscles look even bigger then they are.

This is the static image. :)

Sorry to make this short guys, I pulled all the muscles in my shoulder this morning and it kills... O_O I was not jerking off that much to this image I swear!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great work on the collaboration :D - FallenAngel
