Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Aneros The God Of Lust Vs Vann Illia The Barbarian

Aneros is an awesome guy. Every year he gives out some sweet art as Christmas gifts. This year however he found himself running late and beat himself up about it. Well, he might not have the time to give this year, but his spirit of giving has certainly touched me and others. So this year FallenAngel and myself decided to have some fun with his character Aneros the God of Lust. An Incubus Lord, Aneros was introduced in 2010 in his sexy human form. He's very scumptious with the ability to be both cut and uncut. In June of this year Aneros's insanely hot transformed state was unleashed upon the world. He sported 4 additional cocks that grew from the small of his back. The lower two were cut and the top two were left uncut. They were much longer then regular penises and could be used like tentacles.

This holiday Vann was caught off guard, when he accidentally stumbled upon Aneros layer. Now he's gonna pay the price! I just hope Aneros doesn't stick those two dicks all the way past the bracelets up Vanns ass! XD

I have been enjoying FallenAngels King Sword series and that inspired me to request something very hard core. ;) The image turned out even better then I thought it would. I mean, I knew Fallen was gonna have fun with those cocks, but he really went all out creative here. The very structure of the capture is pretty crazy. His take on the character is wonderful, there is just so much going on in this image! He made some comments to me about really wanting to give Vann a nice exposed booty, hee hee, so even the the angle of the cocks coming in was done with great care. We decided on a bit of an aerial style attack. :P

We had a lot of fun with Aneros even before we started the project. We decided not to contact Voider/Aneros, in order not to raise suspicion. So we had to go over the characters complicated design together and make sure that we didn't miss anything. That lead to some funny conversations and interesting insights from Fallen regarding the eccentricities of the exotic design. Aneros was a truly fun character to play around with. Who knows, maybe one day we will do some follow up images.

Here's a look at his breathtaking designs by the Artist ANEROS. First is the transformed state created earlier this year. Aneros has two color schemes, but the reason for them has yet to be revealed. Maybe one is uncontrollable?

Dubbed the God of Lust. I wouldn't refuse his advances. Bow down and worship him boys!;P

This is Aneos as drawn in 2010. There may be some previous sketches from an earlier time period, but this is his definitive look. The character became Voiders avatar. (Voider is Aneros's name on Y Gallery.)

Anoros human form pin up.

You can find out more about Aneros at Anero's Labyrinth through the link below:

Hey guys, Aneros has been looking for the artists that drew this image for some time. Does anyone recognize the art? He found it on a site that didn't list the artists and just posted a ton of art. Don't you just hate that? :(

The artist is Ben Caldwell.
Thanks to Belasco Comix for the information.


  1. :D well I comment that mysterious artist in your FB :D

    hmmmm tentacle hmmmm


  2. I do like how Voider/aneros stuff looks. Really nice muscle tones and colors too! Sadly I don't think I've ever seen the art style of the bottom picture, so no help there. D: Nice selection here! <3

  3. ben caldwell. he has published art books.
