Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This Is Why I Watermark

Guys, you always have to be on the look out for pirates. I am going to blow the whistle on one such site. I found Sirios work on a blog last night that had a pay sites logo on it. There may be other peoples work on that this site is pirating, so be on the lookout if you are an artist, or commissioner. It makes me sick that these people are trying to profit on others hard work.

You can see the pirates logo on the upper left of Sirios art. :(


  1. I hope that something can be done though. At least we can make consumers aware anyway. >__<

  2. yeah. :( that's the problem :(

  3. i'm really angry ! I have also pointed to other artists that I recognized!
    Thanks Matt !!

  4. No problem Sirio. I hope the others take action as well.

  5. What a shit :/ I should mark mine too ( not just the signature) xD so bad ...i think they are creative commons or something and it's free to register an image :O

  6. I think you should man. I hate to say this, but I have seen your Hercules and other works on various sites and blogs with no acknowledgement of you. :( It's a real piss off. At least with a watermark, people can find you.

  7. Ugh... what makes it worse is that it's foreign and they probably think they can get away with this kinda thing. Legal niiiiightmare. I'm always on the lookout for my own commissions sneaking onto sites too. So far not too much trouble yet.

  8. Yeah man, I keep an eye out for Bu among other characters. If I ever see him, I let you know. He's pretty popular, so you know it's going to happen. I hope the artists can get this site taken down. I just thought that foreign to us, might not be for some of the artists they ripped off. Maybe that will make taking them down easier.

  9. Yeah Fallen, I think everyone should follow your example in some way.

  10. :/ I'll do a wathermark then :P yes I had seen some drawings of mine, not selling them but u are right! how do they know about the artist :S I should put my yaoi tumblr address too :D thanks for the tip ^^
