Thursday, September 29, 2011

JD Howls Into The Halloween Season

Hello everyone and welcome a very hairy blog post here at DPK. It's all done in honor of the birthday of my good friend and artist Guytoonist. JD is nearing the one year mark as well, so he decided to crash the party! Here's some highlights of the party, as drawn by Sirio, Darian821 and FallenAngel.

Belvadar and JD enjoy a very festive fucking all thanks to master mind Sirio. I sketched up a slightly Halloween themed treat and Sirio really rolled with the idea. Looks like Belvadar got some treats, so now he's getting a trick. Hee hee! Belvadars tail is helping JDs cock slide in. Very clever using it like shoehorn! Sirio's takes on the characters are so hot, Guytoonists immediate reaction was to expressed his desire to take JDs place in the picture. XD Personally I would love to run into her full chested, starry eyed Belvadar on any day of the week. Mmmm mmmm He is fine! Delivering an absolute blast of beauty and sexuality, Sirio still is the gladiator of gay porn. ^_^

Darian821 did a marvelous job on JD. He looks so hot and ripped! Love the line work on this image. This image has such a nice warm feel to it. The whole thing makes me want to go back on vacation! Sigh I miss palm trees! JD is a bugger though. Looks like he is playing keep away with Guytoonists gifts! The image has a very neat poster look to it. Very reminiscent of nice promotional material of cartoons, like Garfield from the 80s and early 90s. Darian gave it a very classy feel for sure. I just love it. This was my first time commissioning him and the process went very quickly. As you can see the results are fabulous. :D Tomorrow I will have another of his works to share! ;)

After all the fucking and the presents, JD felt really good. He took off all his clothes and ran like a wild thing through the night! All courtesy FallenAngel, who was dying to show the wolf man in the buff. He's joined by some forest friends. A sweet little pup and a bat who loves to go on the howl...Oh that Fallen always giving it his all! Not content with just giving the audience a super sexy hunk to drool, over he creates new cast members as well. :) Beautiful work man!

While going over these pieces I enjoyed a nice cool Halloween themed Cherry Crush. I never had Cherry Crush before. It was quite thrilling to drink!


  1. Nice all art !
    Happy B-day Guytoonist !! (^O^)/

    "the gladiator of gay porn " x°D

  2. Hey Matthew...

    I LOVE this posting! You know I am a HUGE fan of Belvadar, and it's always a real pleasure seeing him. I absolutely LOVE the illustration of him and JD by Sirio. The composition is awesome, the boys look really HAWT together, and I love the Halloween theme to it. Also the colors are really beautifully done on this one! BRAVO!

    And it's always fun to see new images of JD, and Guytoonist and Fallen have done an AMAZING job drawing him! Both of the JD pieces are wicked, and so very sexy. Really fantastic work by all involved.

    I'm loving the Halloween flavor and I can't wait to see what else you and your army of talented artists have in store for us. More Belvadar please? HA! HA! HA! XD

    Lotsa luv to ya!
    Hugz + kisses,
    Patrick XOXOX

  3. Thanks Mr Fillion, your comment makes me happy!!! ^/////////////////////////^

  4. Thanks very much Patrick! The artists really appreciate that as do I! Well I decided that this will be Halloween month around DPK and Belvadar is gonna be the star! XD He has been ignored for way too long! LOL!

  5. Thanks Mr. P :D

    its a grand howling's night! -FallenAngel

  6. All of the images are pretty killer, and the Darian821 one has some great shading to it. :3 I like the colors of the gift because it's a nice contrast to the rest of the image. XD Good stuff!
