Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Class Comics Celebration: Zahn Enters The Party

Now it's time for Zahn to come out of the cold and start to Par-tay! :) I have three awesome images to share with you guys today. The first is a black and white image from Raul of the Rainbow Boys blog. His image beautifully depicts the Son of Winter standing in the cold twilight hours:

Zahn is adding a bit of white to the winter background. :D

What I love about this is how the world looks so dark around Zahn, but Zahn himself is emitting a glow, warming the world around him. It gives the image a very cozy secure feel. It reminds me of winter days where I live, where it seems to get so dark so fast. Zahn himself in the words of his creator, is very regal and stunning. His full lips, his puppy dog eyes and his long flowing hair had me lost in a fantasy! Making this very hard to type! LOL. The addition of chest hair fits the character perfectly. It gives him a much appreciated touch o' the wild side. Don't get me started on the perfectly curvy body...I will have to write all day. :D Thanks so much Raul!

FallenAngel made sure Zhan put on the Ritz as he enters the party! We gave him a top hat and cane and had a little fun with his bow tie. ^_^ This is the second time I think Fallen has drawn Zahn. There is a lot of differences between how he tackled the character 2 years ago. His original image showed a slightly younger Zahn. For this version he has beefed him up a bit and colored him in his wonderful toning style. It's very hot how his chest has the extra indent across it, cause he is so ripped! Sizzling!!!! A wonderfully festive image that would make an sweet little greeting card. ^_^

Zahn has a barbarian body and an appetite to match thanks to Karulox. Only in the world of Class Comics and the mind of Karulox could there be a Glory Hole Buffet! LOL! (I'm pretty sure that's Karulox sneaking a peek there!!!) I don't know where he came up with the carrot dick, but it had to stay in the sketch when I saw it doodled. XD I really gotta say thanks again to Karu for getting this done just in time. He wanted to do something for so long and despite having so his Laptop stolen and entering a major contest, he still insisted on getting this done. And dang did he squeeze out one hell of a picture. :D Zahn is look FINE. MMMM, put him on a plate for me! Love his very detailed hair. All those long almost wet looking spikes are really hot. He might be winter born, but the gaze from those steely eyes melted me! That cock with it's wrinkled up foreskin looks finger licking good! He even added his own touch to the character by having his toes ripping out of the tip of his boot. Too cool!

There's More Zahn to come tomorrow!


  1. Karulox and rainbowboys ver are hot as a cooking barbq :D sweet! great work guys!

  2. YAY It's very nice to see Zahn in different styles i like the way fallenangel and raul draw a long haaaaaair :P makes me think about a fantasy character indeed! :P

    hahaha thank you for the description XD the carrot cock it's because i remmember a phrase in DATE MOVIE... and hey ! that's not me XD in the gloryhole XD

    thank you :D and thank you fallen angel ^^ yours are very nice and cute ^^

  3. @ Karulox, your welcome :D -FallenAngel

  4. LOL Karulox, maybe that's Patrick then peeking in! XD
