Monday, July 11, 2011

Review of Leon De Leon's First book Meaty #2 Heroes VS Villains! (That's Urbanmusiq yo.)

This week Class Comics brings us the first book by our beloved Urbanmusiq. The second in what is being called the Meaty series. The last book was Logans cool Christmas edition. This digital downloadable PDF comic is jam packed with pin ups and comics! How good it is you ask? Why it's so good, I don't have to review it at all. I can just waste time posting images of Daffy Duck doing a very gay jazz routine....

"Okay Bub, the Jokes over. Give the people what they want."
"Sorry Daffy. :("
"What a way to run a railroad..."

Okay, so here is what you get with your purchase of just $3.99 (A total steal by the way!) The book is made up of 43 pages of art. (I should say 44 though, since the index includes a sweet blow up of Byron and Demitri from a recent Stripshow.) Within those pages, there are over 21 original works, 8 remixed and reworked images, including the much sought after 'adult versions' of Leons world famous DNA Men. Some of these have been so reworked and redone, they are entirely new characters. Included in this bunch is a sneak peek of Leons own character he created for Class Comics. :) Woo woo!!

The books is filled with everything from light hearted action to extreme hard core as demonstrated by Mr. Cat here!

What's really special for me and Adonix is that fact that our little RPG Dimata made it to the pages was well! Saturday was a historic day for me, cause it's the first time any of my characters actually made it to print. (Digital that is.) I have to say I felt no small amount of joy and pride. Equally exciting is on top of Dimata making it in, a small bunch of Urbans art and commissions displayed on this site is also featured. Now is your chance to see some of the works with a little more TLC and in a bigger more brilliant resolution as well! Spot got reworked with a much bigger and THICKER dick. Though I will always love the original best for sentimental reasons, I won't deny that he looks absolutely stunning. I didn't think it possible to improve on him. :O This alternate has the foreskin pulled back. Since the cock was redone so well and being the foreskin nut I am, it makes me pine for an alternate with the foreskin pulled up a bit over his newly done giant head, to see how Urban would tackle it this time ! :P (Shameless public request.)

Diablo and Ghost Boy have fun on the beach, just one of many comics that will insure you'll get sand in your underwear! Speaking of which, take a gander at Ghost Boys speedos! LOL!!!
Among the 2 dozen new images you will find pin ups of all your favorite characters from Class. All your favorites are there, Zahn, Locus, Cam, Ghost Boy, Diablo, Deimos, Space Cadet, Spot, Dane and more! The main theme is summer in dis here and there are two super delightful comic featuring action at the beach. The images featuring the beach turned out to be my favorites. Especially the amazing image of Amron as a fire dancer. The man has never looked so amazing as he does illuminated by fire and the tropical night sky. You can hear the Reggeaton music blasting in the background. ^_^
Urbanmusiqs Mako Finn emerging from a pool, sparkling in the sun, makes me shake my hand and shout DAMN! Though I do have to admit that the one page comic of Cadet and Spot having a Coppertone moment is my absolute favorite! :P Leon brings forth the characters more playful, fun loving nature. You can see and feel his own delight in drawing them in each characters smile and lit up eyes. I had the thrill of watching the start of the comic come to life and give a slight suggestion to it was well. Hee hee!

There's a few naughty images of fan favorite Amron in the book!

Now Mr. De Leon is a huge fan of the Spartacus Blood and Sand, so he just had to do a short comic based on Gladiators. These beautiful battle ready brutes are of his own creation. In fact one of the men is actually his character Stone, as he was many years before meeting Amron and Sabell. He did a three page spread which was amazing. He was pretty excited about it, so he actually let me see the sketches. I loved it so much, but I told him that my eyes hungered for more, much more. I suggested that with such amazing characters, he just had to expand on the feature. The deadline was nearing, but Leon was up for the challenge and added a brand new page of extra hot man sex. What a guy, always looking to give his fans the very best! The comic is jam packed with power and lust as one Gladiator totally dominates the other. It alone is worth the price of the book.

There's also another steamy comic that I would not doubt was crafted out Leons love of the Men At Play series! It ends the book in a promotion a fitting end to the book! Just a note, none of the comics have any dialog. So this makes a perfect gift to give to fans across the globe and for those of you that don't speak English (how are you reading this? XD) After you done looking at all the men, the experience continues with a in depth look at the making of the book. You'll be treated to the evolution of the images. Everything is here, from the pencil sketches, flats, inks to the reworkings. This is a fascinating section, especially for the eagle eyed reader. If you ever considered commission Urbanmusiq, this section gives you a great indication of just how well he lays out his works for the customer to review and go over with him.

Mr. De Leon I want to congratulate you on this enigmatic piece of digital wonderment. It feels like we have known each other for forever now. It has been an experience like no other to watch your career and your art grow. For people that know you, the fact that you able to create such a great book is no surprise. XD You always start each project your 110% and it shows in each page here. Keep up the great work at Class and beyond and keep exploring those delicious foreskins dude! LOL! I want to thank you and the good folks at Class Comics for including my wonderful characters and allowing me to be in no small way a part of this exciting book. I raise my mug of Root Beer to you guys and say here's too the next book featuring Leons works! :D


  1. Damn hot, Urbanmusiq! the its hot Amron fire dancer :D w00t! DP , for some reason Daffy is bit scrary him wearing that ^^;- FallenAngel

  2. Thanks guys for the constant support! And thank you for the Kind kind words DP! you are GOLD! :D

