Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cosmo Gang Gay Rebirth By Aneros!

OK I know I promised some Centaur stuff today, but that is getting pushed aside till tomorrow. I have to make way for this ultimate surprise birthday gift from Aneros! The man totally blew me right out of the water. You guys may remember that I mentioned the games from Namco featuring the Cosmo Gang. Well around the same time as I did the blog I sketched up a couple ideas of what a human version of the two main characters might look like and showed it to Aneros. I never followed through with the idea though. Aneros, the clever bugger watched and waited to see if I would. When he saw no one acted on it, he went for it. Man, there is nothing quite like the feeling of seeing someone take an idea and turn it into something as cool as this!

I would never have come up with something as imaginative as this. There are so many cool details. From the gorgeous wear on the helmet of the Boss, the hot sexy costumes, to the way out sexy ideas implemented on the men. Check out the mouth watering sparkle on the cock head of the Alien Boss! WOO! Mmm! Sticky dick head, foreskin fresh and glittering in the glow of the milky way! Can you imagine a foreskin that leaves sparkles as it retracts? Love how he gave the bottom of his cock scales! TOO SWEET! I could never have come up with something as creative as those balls! They are epic!!!! ^_^
It's wicked how he made the boss more human bay making the separated blue part of his head look a bit like it is part of his helmet. (Even as a part of the face it works so darn well!) It's cool how Aneros played with the colors, flipping the color scheme so the blue is now the top. Very cool idea!
The idea of making the cop a human is all Aneros. And what a space stud he is!
Oh those gleaming green eyes and sweet lips! Mmm that outfit makes him look like such a sexy space warrior! :) Ah Aneros knows me too well! He mixed up a little cut and uncut here! How sweet it is!

What was very fitting is I looked at this early this morning as a thunderstorm rocked my place. The room was lit up by lightning. It was very fitting! I could almost hear Aneros laughing manically as I unleashed his sexy beast upon the world! XD I can only hope that in the future year of 6969 Men and Aliens are this sexy! I bet no one at Namco would ever have seen this coming. :P

I have to really thank you Aneros so very much for this man! I can't believe it. He always adds so much detail! ! :D Your creative imagination and skills with coloring techniques never ceases to amaze me! It's just wonderful.

Want more Alien Action from Aneros? Well check out his KICK ASS PREDATOR and HALO ALIEN HERE:



  1. Interesting Space Police Uniform :D - FallenAngel

  2. Not bad! Thanks for the Predator link too -- Aneros did a nice job on him!
