Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cute Prehistoric Couples Old and New!

Hey everyone! I was hoping to get some posts up early today, but I was hit pretty hard with some sinus trouble. It knocked me flat on my back only a couple hours after I woke up. I slept till really late then felt like crap all afternoon. This temperature jumping from cold, to hot, to cold is playing some nasty games with my health... :(
Luckily I got to some wicked ass art and got to talking to my friends. That really perked me up. You guys are gonna love what Lastmanhouthere has been working on! :D
Let's start with the newest image by CatchX! I found myself once again listing to the voters, picking characters from the poll. I was pleasantly surprised people voted for Dinosaur Prince a lot. (Maybe someone thought I was gonna get nude! XD) Dinosaur Prince has not been featured in an image since Aneros/Voider drew him last in 09. I think that I need to really explore this character more.

CatchX did some great work here. Smilo is so big and buff, shit!!! Look at the arm!!! He got some sick legs and a nice big cock too...very hot! I like how he has that little bit of hair falling a bit over his face. Cute! ;) Dinosaur Prince is rock hard, but with that big anime grin looks a little shy and slightly awkward about being so upfront in showing it to Smilo. ADORABLE isn't he? XD It's great to see him with a circumcision scar for the first time. It's very becoming on him I think. It's also great how his is thrusting it out like that, with abs pushed back a bit. His abs and chest are so bouncy looking eh? :) He did a great job on his hair. Sexy how the locks are caressing shoulders! The coloring is pretty fantastic with Smilo beaming with a gorgeous tan and Dinosaur Prince's cool reptilian coloring. Great Job CatchX! You can draw these guys anytime! :D

This is a totally awesome series of images an artist name Tronnie drawn back in 09. The artist did a fantastic job on each one and I am embarrassed that I kept forgetting to post them here. Her Dimata, Trevor and Trish are among my favorite takes on the characters. I dig that spaghetti hair on Trevor. You will see Smilo riding a terror bird here. This is a concept I have wanted to pursue time and again, but always failed to get someone on board with it since then. Maybe some day he will ride again. These were very much influenced of my friend Busiris who suggested I explore a few nonsexual images for a change! :D Hee hee. I will post my reaction to each one below each image.

Thanks for convincing me to do a few Clean versions of my boys. Busiris can take some credit for this too. XD I love this image. It's so playful. You did a bang up job on Dimata and Trish Elk. They are very sweet and they play footsies on the Tundra meadow. :wink::heart: I really love Dimatas wonderful tusks and the amazing job you did on Trishs horns. They are both a wonder. Thanks so much! :heart::happyhappy::heart: Excellent job for sure!!!

Steko and Trevor fish for Ichthyosaurus:

I love this! For some reason your Trevor reminds me of a One Piece Character and I love that! Another image that I am in love with. You did an amazing job on both characters. I will have to get this completed some day! I love your Steko. Shown here are the plates on his upper arm that was in my original sketch, but have not made it to a professional level till now! I think they look great!
I dig the waves and the spear action. Very well posed.
A very relaxing scene indeed. :heart::happyhappy::heart:

I love this cause it depicts Smilo and Glypto two creatures that should be enemies as friends and searching for adventure. You did a bang up job on the the Terror bird and Smilo! Very cute pose for Gylpto too! Thanks for working hard on this one and doing the changes I asked for. It make the picture so much nicer! What a sweet freebie! XD

I want to share another image from 09, a very cartoony version of Romer and Chiida done by the Artist Duddey. He does some really cute black characters so I was eager to see his take on these guys at the time. He did a really sweet job, especially considering how new they both were still fairly new. I love the expression on Romer, his tight chest and how he did the frill too!

Hey Duddey, I really like how this turned out. You did a great job making the boys cartoony, yet keeping it all sexy at the same time. I like the lighter skin on Chiida and the colouring on Romer rocks. Very sexy cocks and excellent bodies. You did a great job thanks so much! :kiss::heart:

Okay, I was going to do this, but I did promise something new in the title. This is my caveman couple that are part of Marshalls Museum world. They are both good friends of his. They have long ears, monkey tails and large thick spikes on their upper arms. This is kinda my Valentines image that didn't quite make it... XD The girl has trilobites covering her nips. :P

1 comment:

  1. :D these groups are awesome and sexy! :D - FallenAngel
