Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloweens End

I think Fallen Captured my emotions towards the day after Halloween very well. The two men, after a night of delights rest easy. The sun is rising and their time Earth for this year is coming to an end. As they fade into the mist, Mr. Scarecrow looks sadly at the moon....

I commissioned this image from FallenAngel the other day, because yesterday has almost as much meaning to me as Halloween itself. It's always such a somber, sometimes depressing day. For me, I would start planning for Halloween in August. Halloween was a huge project for me in my teens and 20s cause I threw a huge party every year and it just kept getting bigger and bigger. Anyway, even when I wasn't doing that, there is still nothing quite like realizing the holiday is over. All the planning done, the candies gone, the costumes laying on the floor, finding the left overs all over...
There is nothing in the world that matches smelling the pumpkin as you blow the candle out, gazing out at the silent dead street. There always seems to be some candy wrapper blowing by...Then pulling down the decorations. I kinda love, waking up, walking out into a grey morning, seeing ghosts and decorations still blowing in the wind as they hang purposeless from trees. The world seems so calm during these hours. The huge storm has passed and the excitment drained form the universe. And all I can think of is..just 364 more days till next Halloween. :D

I had some problem with my dog last week, so I was a little behind on ordering this one from FallenAngel. I was really happy to see him draw our Halloween OCs again. Ha ha ha, he pulled the one from last year out quickly too I remember, right at the last second! ^_^ I am in love with his Mr. Crow, so cute and calm. The atmospheric elements are perfect. That sweet foreskin pull back action is hot as is the thick one covering Mr. Scarecrows massive cock too! Both characters are very delightful. hee hee so many half eaten apples! WASTE! Maybe we won't have to wait a year before we see these two again. This image demands more use of them. ;)

1 comment:

  1. :D glad you enjoyed it DP :D

    Halloween is of an end,
    but thy time shall turn
    and celebration will sent.

    Pumpkin smile and spirit
    To have fun once again next
    on Halloween candies are price :D

    - FallenAngel
