Tuesday, September 7, 2010

FallenAngel Does the Royalty of Helium

Another one of my favorite commissions only to appear on this blog is here for you to enjoy. Yep, it's more John Carter of Mars! This time he is joined by the eternally lovely Dejah Thoris. I showed FallenAngel the first and eleventh comic from the Carter Comics to provide inspiration for this image. He created a classic sci-fi pose of heroism and love, as Johns stands bold with Dejah clinging to his stern frame.
I really respect how Fallen has taken the classic 70's comics and mixed it with a retro anime look, giving John big side burns for example! I really think the light blue tones in his blue raspberry hair also aid to this feel. John is just great with his strong chest, powerful slender legs and big arms. Every muscle including his cut cock gleams! Dehah the red princess is just beautiful too. Sleek, slender and sexy. I can't get enough of her big hair!
This one of my very favorite pieces Fallen has done this year. I just get this feeling that had Japan picked up John during the same period, this would have been exactly the kind of look they would have went after.

Oh that dang Martian wind!


  1. Is it me or I'm getting too much hung on Windy themed LOL* - FallenAngel

  2. Another really awesome Barsoom pic for FA7. Dejah's facial expression is a hoot. DP, you're spot on the money about the 70s meets anime look. It's great!
