Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Dark Witch from Guytoonist

Guytoonist posed a challenge to me last week. He has a twisted world of slightly deformed Barbarians , wizards, warriors and squidmen and stated he was looking for something to add to it. So, I dived into the dark recesses of my own heart. I looked to the things that I felt and feared as I grew up. Digging deep into my adolescent heart I created a character based on that just that.
This is Witch Blain as only Gutoonist23 could so whimsically create!

How could resist his charms? He's casting a spell on you. :P

Blain as a young man, fell madly in love with an immortal vampire hunter his own age. The Vampire hunter was a refugee from another world. Stuck eternally at 13, their love could never be. Blain was cursed by those in his family that found out with a horrible body. At age 13 his hair turned silver as tin, his right shoulder jetted out of his back in the form of a huge ivory spike. The area around his eyes dried up creating a bony frill like that in the fossil of an icthyosaur. Above his eye grew three painful archaic acne lumps that would only grow larger and more painful the more he picked at them and made them ooze.
Blain travels the world looking for a cure. He has a deck of tarot cards from which he can cast his servants of the undead. He has grown to become a powerful young witch in the 5 years that have passed. His hat is a living breathing spell slug, that heightens his strength. His key to his salvation may just lie in the one that caused his heart to break.

I told this tale to Guytoonist and he set to work. The very next day he had this great model sheet to share with me! He took my simple sketch and created a very stunningly handsome prince of witches! He expanded on the hat concept and really had fun with it, making its tail fall between Blains shoulder and neck. Sweet! Adding those ravenous teeth was just too demented! YIKES! HA HA HA wicked! I love it! He opened up his shirt and gave us a look at his sexy, though acne covered chest. ^_^ I wonder now if he is naked under there? :O I was thinking maybe he would have a body wrap like a mummy, but I like this concept much better! Especially his naked feet. :P Gives him a feeling of being close to the Earth. As always Guytoonist knows his faces. He blessed Blain with big lips bright eyes and a huge fuzzy chin. What he added to deter suitors is overridden by the mans insane ability to mix gruesome and sexy so flawlessly. And I have seen some stuff in private that hoo..would knock your socks off!

Thanks Guytoonist! He rocks so much as do you man. I hope to do more with him now.
Don't forget to check out Guytoonists blog. You will not believe what this incredibly talented man has done to Spongebob and his friends!

1 comment:

  1. evil I can say with his smile, nice design :D - FallenAngel
