Monday, July 12, 2010

Keeping cool this July with FallenAngel and Lay.

Woof it is still boiling over here. It was so nice yesterday then boom at 3 pm it got dark as night and hailed...just crazy. I went out and got me a Bionic Commando figure *Apu voice* on sale for $9.99! Just awesome. I might take some pictures of him like Devilman and Leon do with theirs. XD Don't expect a review for it though.

Well to beat the Canadian heat, here are some cool calming pictures. First off something I got a couple weeks ago. FallenAngel drew Rikuo for the third time for me. This time we paired him with Mako from Tigersharks. Loving all the details of that background, the old ship mast and rocks jetting out of the ocean are cool. Nice barrel in the water of this cool coastal hideaway for the boys to hide in. I love Fallens Rikuos so he was a natural choice to ask for this paring. Gotta love the dark black leathery skin he gave the cock of his anime style Mako. Nice upper bodies. Ha ha ha, Rikuo is reaching to pull on that uncut cock just as it sprays all over his face. Not that he minds indicated by that heart. Fallens Mako is super cute! He's sweating, but it's not cause of the suns rays! XD

Next we go from the hot ocean, to the cold Artic of Canada and join FallenAngels Ice Climbers. This time instead of making them twins, Fallen asked me if I wanted to see Nana a bit more thin and effeminate. I had to think about this for a second and then said sure! I sketched out a pose and he went to work. He even added the polar bear! Popo is very strong looking all stern and gruff. ^0^ Nana is just so sensual riding that mallet! Cute curvy back! And of course Fallen had to add the majestic Ice Climber Mountain to complete this lovely tribute to a video game classic. This is the first time I asked Fallen to do a Muzzle. What do you guys think of it? I like it a lot. There is also a Muzzle free version.

Now lets return to the beach, where Tonia and Rex are getting into mischief in the changing room showers!

The steam is not from the hot water...

This amazing picture was done as a request by the artist Lay. I wanted to present it here first. Its super sensual. I think I requested a from the behind pose, but he wanted to know what I thought of this. I thought I was gonna lose it! XD Tonia is a dream come true here. He is just way too hot with a huge thick dick that's hard as a rock. Love his brown balls!!! HA, a touch rarely seen! This Tonia is no mere twink. He's got a solid build and strong face. His face and hair has an air of the great fighting game characters to it.
Rex is so smooth looking, especially that and tail. Nice addition of his grey facial and body hair. He has an ass and legs worthy of long term ogling!

He captured the two of them perfectly in his style. I laughed at how Tonia is desperate to keep his balance! He is using his tail as a third leg and Rex pounds him relentlessly into the wall. Awesome job Lay! You rule!


  1. Omg heavy penetration! XD; I point out the obvious. I actually am for whatever reason kinda surprised to see it. But that and all the others here are good stuff. :3

    Oh and you guys and your action figure photo shoots. Sure I've taken some pics of my figures, but never the intense stuff some of you guys do. XD

  2. Wow Lay's work on TOnia and Rex is hot in the shower!

    thanks also for enjoying my artwork as always :) - FallenAngel
