Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bootylicious Sean by Adonix

It's official, I am on a Sean kick right now. Adonix wanted a subject for his fast sketch exercises he does and I shouted out Sean. XD The street Fighter Hunk has never had so much back! Ink is working hard to do images faster and with more detail and style. Sean is one smooth customer.

Come on Ken. Teach me a lesson....

Adonix gave him the most perfect ass! What a work of art. And that smile could light up even Akumas face. Ink-B did this really fast last night too. It's astounding how quick he is. Awesome work Adonx. Sean is gorgeous.


  1. Wow the coloring on this is SO good! My goes off to Ink-B

  2. Bum Sean great work! ink-B! - Fallen
